Maternal and newborn care in Ethiopia - Reisverslagen van Marjolein Huissen - Maternal and newborn care in Ethiopia - Reisverslagen van Marjolein Huissen -
Maternal and newborn care in Ethiopia

Going to work in a project by VSO and UNICEF. One of the Millenium Development Goals is to reduce the maternal mortality by 75% in 2015. We are discovering now that in some countries this is not gonna happen. Ethiopia is one of those countries.
In order to improve the situation as quick as possible, doctors are placed in government hospitals all over the country.

My placement is in Gedo, a small town with a relatively new hospital. My job is to assess the current situation regarding maternal and neonatal care. And then assist and train in the needed areas.

Recente Reisverslagen:

10 Oktober 2013

Daar boven op die berg...

20 Juli 2013

Hospitaala Geedoo

06 Juli 2013

Back to basic

28 Juni 2013

Daar gaan we weer

Actief sinds 01 Feb. 2012
Verslag gelezen:
Totaal aantal bezoekers 61341

Voorgaande reizen:

01 April 2015 - 01 April 2016

Maternal Health, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

01 December 2013 - 26 Juni 2014

Maternal and neonatal health care in Afar Ethiopia

29 Juni 2013 - 10 Oktober 2013

Maternal and newborn care in Ethiopia

17 Maart 2012 - 30 November -0001

My year in Sierra Leone

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